OVI Ohio Revised Codes
Ohio Revised Code Section 4511
- OVI - Operating Vehicle Intoxicated (Seize if 2nd in 6)
- 4511.19A1a The person is under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them.
- 4511.19A1b OVI - .08 but less than .17 - Blood
- 4511.19A1c OVI - .096 but less than .204 blood serum or plasma
- 4511.19A1d OVI - .08 but less than .17 - Breath
- 4511.19A1e OVI - .11 but less than .238 - Urine
- 4511.19A1f OVI - .17 or more - Blood
- 4511.19A1g OVI - .204 or more - blood serum or plasma
- 4511.19A1h OVI - .17 or more by Breath
- 4511.19A1i OVI - .238 or more by Urine
- 4511.19A2 OVI - Refuses to take a test with a prior OVI conviction in the last twenty years.
- 4511.19B1 Under 21 - at least .02 but less than .08 Blood
- 4511.19B2 Under 21 - at least .03 but less than .096 blood serum or plasma.
- 4511.19B3 OVI, under age 21 - .02 but less than .08 - Breath
- 4511.19B4 OVI - under age 21 .028 but less the an .11 by Urine
- 4511.19J1 OVI - Amphetamine >= 500 ng/mL urine or >= 100 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J2 OVI - Cocaine >= 150 ng/mL urine or >= 50 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J3 OVI - Cocaine Metabolite >= 150 ng/mL urine or >= 50 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J4 OVI - Heroin >= 2000 ng/mL urine or >= 50 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J5 OVI - Heroin Metabolite >= 10 ng/mL urine or >= 10 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J6 OVI - LSD >= 25 ng/mL urine or >= 10 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J7 OVI - Marijuana >= 10 ng/mL urine or >= 2 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J8I OVI - Marijuana Metabolite (w/4511.19A1a charge) >= 15 ng/mL urine or >= 5 ng/mL Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J8II OVI - Marijuana Metabolite (4511.19A1a NOT charged) >= 35 ng/mL urine or >= 50 ng/mL Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J9 OVI - Methamphetamine >= 500 ng/mL urine or >= 100 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.19J10 OVI - Phencyclidine >= 25 ng/mL urine or >= 10 ng/mL Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma
- 4511.194 Having physical control of vehicle while under the influence.